Want to get started as cheaply as possible?
Buy our book:
Service Reboot, The New Science of Selling, Marketing, and Managing Services.
This could be the best 20 bucks you've ever spent.
It starts with a review of the parts of your MBA that were proved wrong by the leading marketers of the 21st century, covers the newest theories from the best business schools, teaches you the new vocabulary you need to intelligently frame your questions, and finishes with several chapters on implementation.
Not only will the book revolutionize your thinking, but if you do still feel you need help from us, you’ll know what to ask for.
David Selch, in his book 'Service Reboot', speaks directly to the fact that 'the times they are a changing' - especially for businesses that are 'Service' based. His insights and advice into how to embrace this new Service mindset are invaluable and insightful.
I found the book a very fascinating read and I am eager to apply some of his proposed business strategies.

Haskell Bahar
Director, International Business Certifications & Standards
Ricoh Canada Inc. / Ricoh Americas Corporation
A wealth of information, research, and advice. Real-world examples and analogies that I can relate to. Helpful diagrams. After every page I find myself brainstorming on ways to improve my sales and marketing.